

品牌管理策略的成功在于有效和高效的分割、定位以及品牌定位(Lane & Sutcliffe),2006)。这不是一个时间过程,而是一个持续的过程,要求实质性的计划以及努力。受人尊敬的品牌有很高的品牌价值。品牌资产可以定义为成套的行为和关联的品牌的消费者,渠道成员,以及母公司在联合的基础上,协助品牌指挥更大的容量和更高的利润比在没有品牌。



The success of brand management strategies lie in the effective and efficient segmentation, targeting as well as positioning of the brand (Lane & Sutcliffe, 2006). It is not a one time process but an ongoing process which call for substantial planning as well as efforts. Respected brands have high brand equity. Brand equity can be defined as the complete set of behaviors and associations on the part of the brand’s consumers, channel members, as well as Parent Corporation on a joint basis that assists the brand in commanding greater volumes and higher margins than in the case of absence of brand.

Brand Equity equips the brand with a much stronger as well as sustainable differential advantage in the market (Chay 1988). It is because well established brands have the potential to command premiums provided that the target customer base is the same, through the process of brand extensions (Tauber, 1981). In simple terms, brand extensions imply that an existing brand is used to market a new offering to a similar customer base which the brand had been catering to. Though there is the risk of cannibalization of existing sales by the extension (Aaker & Keller, 1990), strong brand equity assists in its avoidance as proved by research.
