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It is expected that all would not be responded and in that scenario, if substantial inputs are not collected, the questionnaire would be re-transmitted. The ranks that would be obtained by the respondents would be fed into an Excel sheet and correspondingly, correlation analysis would be done to establish which factors (real or perceived) contributed to the popularity of the brand. The aspects of the brand which would be tested would include:
• The taste of wine,
• The quality of wine,
• The pricing,
• The availability,
• The packaging of the wine,
• The suitability of the wine.
• The advertising campaigns of the wine.
To avoid sampling bias, care would be taken to see that the sample is diversified across all age groups while at least 200 responses have been collected to make generalizations. It is always better to use a geographically diversified sample base and that can be used in future when this research is conducted on an expanded basis.
4. Data Analysis
Brand is basically a metaphor that is used to relate to the complex pattern of involvements as well as associations which exists in the brain and instincts of the end consumers (or the users of the offering) instead of the images in the minds of the marketing personnel (Wendy and Sally, 2002). Accordingly, I initiate my analysis with an analysis of the demographic attributes of the survey sample.
