
by | 25-Jul-2019 | 美国代写

本篇ps代写-领导力和团队合作讲了我们的团队运作更加灵活。起初,我们不能很好地在群体动力学中工作。我们甚至发现,我们中的一些人会为集体聚会想出一些借口。由于人们都很忙,很难协调实体会议或在线会议。然而,随着时间的推移,我们掌握了团队动态。从理论上讲,在群体形成中有四个显著的变化。这四个阶段是群体形成、风暴、规范和表演。本篇ps代写文章由美国第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

This section is a reflection on how well I believe my team operated, and dynamics of the team and the management of issues arose in the case of such dynamics. Leadership learning potential is also discussed.

Our team operation was more fluid. Initially, we were not able to work well within group dynamics. We even found that some of us were coming up with some excuses for group meets. It was difficult to coordinate meets physically or online as people was busy. However, with time we got the hang of the group dynamics. Theoretically, there are four significant changes that are identified in group formation. The four stages are group forming, storming, norming and performing (Tuckman & Jensen, 1997). I believe in our case, the group forming case and storming case were where we were more flexible. When someone did not show up for a meet, we did not handle it well and I think we conducted the meet anyways thinking that was the way we were showing group flexibility. In a way, what we believed to be flexibility was how we were handling conflicts in group meet schedules. This affected our group working a lot. We realized that communication which is very vital for a group operation would be very much affected by this form of synchronization. This led us directly to form what are the group norms. We made group norms where we agreed that we would meet up with much stricter agendas. We decided to schedule group meets at the end of each meet in order to agree on common Tim and venue. In addition, we improved the form of communication by having more virtual communication. We made sure that we checked in on the messenger in whom we were connected all the time and until the crucial phases of the project were over, we had a five-minute update session every day. This improved the communication within us group members. Furthermore, it also enables us to talk easier. The group experience showed me that group forming and norming would inevitably be followed by a critical phase where we either storm openly and have conflicts or end up facing issue like in our case where we just did not worry about a group member missing it. Open conflicts and the form of conflict aversion that we seemed to take up are both harmful for a group and we learned that it is always better to work with the conflicts, identify why they occur the first place and ensure that some tool (like better communication) as in our case was used to resolve them. It was only when these issues in forming and storming were resolved, we were able to move on to better performance resolutions. Having better rules and understanding team members, our individual works much better enabled us to perform better.

