
本篇ps代写-语言学习讲了在语言习得过程中所探索的这些阶段,是理解ESL学生语言学习进展的一般框架。这种语言学习是一个流动的过程,根据个体的不同而有所不同(Wright, 2010)。对于学生来说,要学习语言习得,他们首先必须理解并发出超出理解水平的有意义的信息。他们需要在压力水平相对较低的环境中学习。人们需要认识到帮助教师在课堂上创造自然学习环境的原则。

These stages that have been explored in the language acquisition process are a general framework to understand the progression of language learning by the ESL students. This language learning is a fluid process that is found to vary based on each individual (Wright, 2010). For the students, to learn the language acquisition, they must initially comprehend and make meaningful messages that are beyond the comprehension levels. They need to learn in an environment where the stress levels are considerably lower. The people need to recognize the principles that assist the teachers in creation of a natural leaning environment in the classroom.

Role of Teacher in Language Acquisition Process

Generally, the teacher must factor in the input from the students to create an environment where the students will learn about the process. They need to factor in the emotions of the student. There must be comprehensible input. The teachers must make their content comprehensible and need to modify the teaching materials and add context to the lessons. It is up to the teacher to reduce the anxiety levels of the students. They need to create a comfortable classroom. Contextual clues and the use of visual support needs to be done in order to make the language comprehensible. There must be face-to-face conversation and gestures that the teacher needs to use to make it easier for the students to understand. Verbal interaction with the students regarding the subject of mathematics needs to be done to receive authentic tasks. There must active participation the students to include more learning.

Factors involving in Learning

The five stages of the language acquisition depend on a variety of factors.

Age of student is an important factor that needs to be considered. Age is found to impact the second language learning in a number of ways. Many language learners who are older have a basic grasp of other context subjects such as mathematics. The older adults are aware of the basic concepts of mathematics. Younger students who do not have a working knowledge of these concept can face difficulties. For these students, learning would occur best in native language. Nevertheless, the older people feel more inhibited to speak in front of their peers (Yamagata-Lynch and Haudenschild, 2009). Classroom discussions are often a source where the older students feel more inhibited. The younger children are more attuned to experiment.

The teacher who are from an English-speaking background who are from a different culture often do not comprehend the needs of the ESL students. They need to have knowledge of the culture and the socio-economic background of the students to develop the appropriate approach to help the students. Certain cultural nonverbal communications are different from the teachers. They often do not understand these implications. The factors of eye-contact are found to vary between the students.

Home circumstances are found to vary. The basic background of the student is an important indicator as to how they will learn to process the languages. These students who are not from a amiable family environment face more issues in learning (Lyster and Ballinger, 2011).

The learning disabilities of the students are often confused with the ESL issues. There is a gentle nuanced difference that needs to be considered by the teachers. They need to understand the basic learning difficulties to develop the appropriate approaches.

