


民主党人提倡凯恩斯主义理论。根据这一理论,经济增长是通过增加消费和减税来实现的。中等收入家庭是实现经济增长的目标。为了解决收入不平等问题,为低收入家庭提供了更多的福利。至于共和党人,他们提倡供应经济学理论。在这一理论下,企业或投资的成本会降低,从而可以增加增长。反对自由贸易协定、减少外包工作是一些优势,因此唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)可能是更好的经济候选人。




The voting style of the people will be based on the several topics and economy is one of the motivating factors. Donald Trump shows his past experience of business success and wealth. On the other hand, Hillary Clinton claims her political experience and knowledge. Both have different approaches over the US economy. Hillary Clinton has track record of economic accomplishments that may route to robust economy (Kline).
The democrats promote the theory of Keynesian. Under this theory, the economic growth is achieved by increase of demand through spending and tax cuts. Middle income families are targeted to achieve the economic growth. In order to addressing income inequality, more benefits are provided for low income families. As far as Republicans, they promote the theory of supply-side economics. Under this theory, the costs for business or investment are reduced so that the growth can be increased. Opposing free trade agreements, reduction of outsourcing jobs are some of the advantages and hence Donald Trump’s may be better candidate for the economy.


There will be no significant impact on financial markets irrespective of any persons elected as presidents, but short market fluctuations will be visible if any surprise noticed with the election results. The global financial advisers wishes the Clinton’s presidency will be better, whereas American advisers feel that neither candidate is better than other. Global financial advisor survey shows the Clinton would be better for the stock market, International trade and economy (Ong).
