

为了帮助员工成长,建立自信是必不可少的。例如,如果员工认为他们没有管理项目的足够经验,那么就有可能提醒这些员工他们的关键能力和优势。帮助员工在成长过程中拥有更强的能力、动力和开放性的关键是获得认可和积极性的反馈(Menguc et al., 2012)。环境的优化也很重要,因为它具有活力、能量和无应力环境。这是激励员工通过锻炼、休息和饮食等方式获得的。这可以帮助员工表现得更好。




In order to help employees enhance in terms of growth, it is essential to build confidence. If employees, for example, think they do not have sufficient experience of managing project, then it becomes possible to remind those individuals of their key capabilities and strengths. The key to help employees have more competence, motivation and openness towards growth, having a feedback for recognition and positivity is essential (Menguc et al., 2012). Optimization of the environment is also important because it has vibrancy, energy and stress free environment. This is motivating employees to obtain through exercise, rest and food etc. This can help the employees to perform better.


When employees have the feelings that they are not able to make any progress within their individual system of development, then they eventually become disconnected and start looking for more opportunities in other companies. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that every employee is challenged constantly in a way that they enhance their skills . The higher the belief of a person within their individual power for influencing the result, the higher the likeliness that success can be gained with newer challenges.
