

对中度肥胖的青春期前儿童进行定性和定量研究。他们的年龄在5到9岁之间。在这个为期6个月的项目中,目标是让父母成为改变家庭生活方式的推动者。只有肥胖儿童的父母参加了小组会议。BMI和腰围z分数在6个月、12个月、18个月和24个月的基线水平与父母教养结构进行比较(Magarey et al., 2011)。从这些结果中发现,父母的干预是儿童健康生活方式发展的一个重要过程。本研究的内在优势在于数据和样本量较大。它使研究数据能够用来了解局势的动态。由于观测时间的延长,本研究阐明了一些新的见解和有趣的动态。这支持了研究人员的论点。本研究的局限性在于没有使用对照组。在这项研究中,有大量的实践和长时间的等待列表。因此,它被认为是不道德的。研究发现,该研究有很多局限性(Magarey et al., 2011)。然而,关键的发现可以用来发展未来的调查,以获得问题的整体观点。

为了找出社会中肥胖的根本原因,已经进行了一些初步的研究。在这个过程中,儿童的父母被确定为决定儿童未来健康的重要因素。通过对7 ~ 11岁儿童170例的研究分析表明,家长应持续监测儿童饮食的进展情况。在这一过程中,他们应确保儿童不受公然控制。这种控制的平衡导致儿童过上更好的生活方式(Holland et al., 2014)。这项研究的先天优势在于,参与者的数据包括大量寻求治疗的超重或肥胖儿童的多样本。在这种情况下,大多数结果在控制了儿童的饮食后仍然显著。本研究的局限性在于儿童自我报告他们的饮食摄入量。另一个固有的限制是,只有在孩子在这个过程中开始减肥的后期,父母喂养的做法才会改变。

另一项研究的重点是分析父母的健康如何在孩子遵循他们如何成功的观念中发挥重要作用。本研究发现,父母在儿童对儿童期肥胖的理解中起着重要的作用(Boutelle, Cafri, & Crow, 2012)。本研究的优势在于,本研究考虑的变量数量较多。由于这一因素,它有助于更容易地了解家庭动态和社会中纠正肥胖的方法。这使得我们能够从一个整体的角度来理解社会的细微差别。它还提供了关于如何在此过程中管理孩子的新见解。这项研究的局限性或弱点在于,它允许人们自愿加入这个群体。如果他们认为这是强制性的,他们也被允许离开该组织。使用的样本量非常小,但是本研究考虑的变量数量非常多(Boutelle, Cafri, & Crow, 2012)。正因为如此,它表明父母的政策及其对健康的维持对儿童有着深远的影响。本分析未考虑参与者的性别、健康状况。在这个分析中,更多的强调了整体范围,而没有考虑到内部细节。


Qualitative and quantitative research was undertaken for prepubescent children who were moderately obese children. They were aged 5 to 9 years. In this a six-month program targeted parents were made to be agents of change for bringing in changes in the family lifestyle. Only the parents of the obese children attended group sessions. BMI and waist z scores were measured against parenting constructs at baseline of 6, 12, 18, 24 months (Magarey et al., 2011). It was found from these results that the parental intervention was an important process in the development of healthier lifestyle for the children. Inherent strength of this research was that the data and the sample size were larger. It had allowed the research data to be utilized to understanding the dynamics of the situation. Owing to the extended period of time that was put into observation a number of newer insights and interesting dynamics has been elucidated in this research. This bolsters the argument made by the researcher. Limitation of this research was that there was no control group used. There were substantial practices and long wait list that has been seen in this research. Owing to which it is considered to be unethical. It has been found that the research has numerous limitations (Magarey et al., 2011). However the key findings can be used to develop future investigation to gain holistic perspective of the issues.
A number of primary research has been undertaken to find out the root cause fo obesity in societies. For this process the parents of the children were identified to be important factors that determine the future health of the child. Research analysis of 7 to 11 year old kids with sample size 170 indicated that the parents should continually monitor the progress of the children diet. In this process they should ensure that the children are not overtly controlled. This balance in control leads to the children to lead better lifestyle (Holland et al., 2014). Innate strength of this research is that participant data included large multisite sample of treatment-seeking children with overweight or obesity. In this scenario most results remained significant after controlling of the diet of the children. Limitations of this research is that the children self reported their dietary intake. Another inherent limitation is that parent-feeding practices changed only in the later stages when the children started to loose weight in the process.
Another research that was undertaken focused on analyzing how the parental health played an important role in the children conforming ideas as to how they can succeed. It was found from this research that the parents played an important role for the children to understand about childhood obesity (Boutelle, Cafri, & Crow, 2012). Strength of this study is that the number of variables that has been considered for this research is high. Owing to this factor it has facilitated in easier understanding of the family dynamics and ways to rectify obesity in the societies. This allows in understanding the nuances of the society from a holistic angle. It also provides newer insights as to how the children should be managed in this process. Limitation or weakness of this study is that it allowed people to join the group at their own volition. They were also allowed latitude to move away from the group if they deem it to be mandatory. Sample size used is pretty low but the number of variables that has been considered for this research is pretty high (Boutelle, Cafri, & Crow, 2012). Owing to this it shows that parental policies and their maintenance of health has profound influence on the children. Gender, health conditions of the participants were not considered in this analysis. There was more emphasis given to the overall scope and the internal specifics were not factored in this analysis.
