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There are ten key requirements that are expected out of cities which want to participate in the Healthy city requirement. The first of the requirement is that the city in question must have the political commitment to solve its own issues. The local government, the key decision makes and stakeholders must be involved here. In the context of Chicago this is the case as the city is seen to be helped a lot by community councils. 10The second criteria of administrative infrastructure are present. Healthy cities should have support as evidence from existing research studies show. Now Chicago being a high profile city that comes under EPA assessments and local city assessments, it can be said that this criterion is also being fulfilled. Thirdly evidence based policies must exist to understand the inequality issues. Now in searching for reports on Chicago and the health issues, it can be seen that there is a vast array of reports on inequality and more. However despite the presence of so much fact reporting, the socio economic injustice and the issues of in accessibility to health care still continues for some of the community. Therefore this pushes the focus on how well the city is able to plan based on the facts that it collects.


Research studies on planning and development for cities are often focused on how they collect data based on research and then focus on delivering health outcomes for the population from which they collected the data in the first place. In the case of Chicago many facts exist to indicate that the city is suffering from socio-economic issues. However none of this fact collection seems to be integrated into policy implementations for the future. Now for healthy cities, the fourth, fifth and sixth points are about prioritized actions and city health plans. Prioritized action in this context must have been about addressing the issues that causes the problem and the issues which lead to the exacerbation of the problem. Now the pollutant issue is being considered and is being handled to a certain extent but poverty situation and inaccessibility to health care in an adequate fashion still remains to be an issue. In addition to prioritization, the partnership in order to help minority communities could be said to be lagging here. This is one area in which Chicago and urban communities around it have to improve on.
