


经济因素影响电视网络的经济,因为最大的收入是通过许可证获得的。工作越多,年轻人的消费能力就越强,电视频道的收入也就越多。(爱抚,2015)。失业者接受政府运营的培训中心的培训,学习最新技术,以便适应政府和私营企业提供的工作。年轻人可以选择与英国电信的频道合作,到任何一个私营频道工作,以获得更高的工资和曝光率。科技改变了人们看电视的方式。互联网改变了电视频道的观看方式,早些时候是现场直播的,现在观众可以在周末观看整部电视剧或比赛。在twitter上提供反馈,并通过互联网下载程序。版权/非法下载等问题也得到了政府制定严格法律的重视。这些通道很快就克服了兼容性和标准化问题。此外,当观众按照自己的意愿在适合自己的时间观看节目时,推出新节目或剧集的悬念就失去了吸引力。当我们谈论技术进步时,所有的电视网都是平等的。因此,技术工人有足够的机会与这些组织一起工作(sports, 2011)。当一个组织变得很大,然后他们开始忽视环境因素。保护环境的法律在英国是非常严格的。因此,它确保了这些渠道工业不会受到任何形式的污染。Netflix与福克斯(Fox)、英国广播公司(BBC)和英国电信体育频道(BT sports)等其他电视频道展开了激烈的竞争,因为新频道获得了播放新节目的许可。这些可能有大量的粉丝,或者在特定的媒体中很受欢迎。Netflix在几年前开始播放其他电视频道播放的老节目时,增加了竞争。他们还推出了以竞赛为基础的节目《纸牌屋》,引领了业界。Netflix在观看节目方面确实面临Hulu和亚马逊(Amazon)的竞争,节目质量是一样的;因此,查看器无法区分服务提供者。


BBC is the oldest and largest broadcaster of the world. It is the only public broadcaster of the country. It gets its funds from the licensing and selling programs overseas. The licensing fee is taken from every viewer who view or record their programs. Hence this fee varies as per the changes/negotiations by the government. Fox and Netflix earn the revenue through advertising. The changes in taxes and charges affect the overall the profits of Fox and Netflix and they in turn increase the license fees. The changes do not impact BT channels as it belongs to the public sector undertaking, Hence, Fox, BBC and Netflix end up paying higher
The economic factors impact the economy of the TV network as maximum money is earned through licensing. More number of jobs means more spending power to the youth and hence more earning for the TV channels. (Pettinger, 2015). The unemployed are trained by government run centres to teach them the latest technology so that they can fit in the jobs offered by government and private companies. The youth can either work with channels of BT to move to any of the private run channels for higher wages and exposure. Technology has changed the face of viewing the TV. Internet has changed the way channels are watched, earlier they were watched live, and now a viewer can watch the entire series or match over the weekend. Give feedback on twitter and download programs through internet. The issues like copyright/illegal downloads were also taken care by government making stringent laws. These channels quickly overcame the compatibility and standardization issues. Also when viewers are watching the programs as per their own wish at the time suitable for them hence the suspense of introducing a new program or the episodes have lost its charm. All the TV networks are equal when we talk about the technological advancement. Hence, there are enough opportunities for skilled labour to work with these organizations (Sport, 2011).When an organization becomes big, and then they start ignoring the environmental factors. The laws of protecting the environment are very stringent in the UK. Hence, it ensures that any kind of pollution is not entertained by these channel industries. Netflix has given tough competition to other TV channels like Fox, BBC and BT sports as new have license to new shows to be aired. These could be having a large number of fans or popular with a particular medium. Netflix increased the competition when it started airing the old programs aired by other TV channels few years ago. They also leaded the industry by starting contest based program “House of Cards”. Netflix does have competition from Hulu and Amazon to view the programs, the quality of program being same; hence viewers cannot distinguish between the serviced providers.
