





Cephalus perceived justice clearly with respect to external actions that depicts the matter to properly behave with other, instead of considering the health of individual soul. Plato has clearly suggested thinking about justice in a manner of viewing the definition of Thrasymachus. According to the view, justice is to sacrifice one’s self- interest in order to respect the interest of others . As stated by Thrasymachus, justice is the benefit of the stronger. This depicts that injustice involves delivering actions for benefitting the ones in power. The key evidence supporting this claim is that elements providing benefits to the majority population are termed as just in a democratic setting. On the other hand, things benefitting elite are referred as just in aristocratic settings.


Socrates talks to Thrasymachus at 348 e regarding his arguments. According to him, if injustice is declared as more profitable, the matter could have been discussed in terms of conventional beliefs. This is more specific as there is no denial in the shameful or vice nature of injustice. In simple terms, Socrates had the option of refuting Thrasymachus similarly as refuting Polus and Alcibiades . He refuted them as he appealed their acceptance with respect to conventional justice. However, Thrasymachus has clearly reflected his denial about the shameful nature of injustice. Hence, there was a crucial requirement of highly sophisticated refutations. He should be looking for some value held by the opponent for using it like a premise to draft concluding points. Socrates is appealing to the positive evaluation of expertise by Thrasymachus.
