

第三个研究问题是关于文献综述中存在的知识差距与总部经理的期望之间的关系。这个差距在某种程度上是由一些以前的研究问题所填补的,但是第三个研究问题使得这个差距是直接的,从而可以从中提取针点信息。从这个问题中提取的信息将有助于大量的研究。对总公司经理的期望将使总公司清楚他们需要履行的需求。 (Vassos,1996)
期望能够清除总公司必须通过互联网进行沟通的日常沟通要求,以确保信息及时传达给管理人员。通过互联网将信息用于不同目的将增加其重要性。研究问题非常清楚,并且直接掌握了有关管理者期望的知识。与研究问题的实施有关的不同利益已经讨论过,但也有一些与这种现象相关的缺点。 (Cooper,2003)

The third research question is about the knowledge gap that exists from the literature review in relation to the expectations of the managers from the head office. The gap filled to some extent from some previous research questions but the third research question makes it direct so that pin point information can be extracted from it. The reason that the information extracted from this question will help the research to a great deal. The expectation of the managers from the head office will make it clear to the head office about the needs that they are required to fulfill. (Vassos, 1996)
The expectation will clear out the dirt over the requirements for communication on the daily basis that the head office must communicate using the internet to ensure that the information timely reaches to the managers. The use of information for different purposes over the internet will increase its importance. The research question is quite clear and directed in getting the knowledge about the expectations of the managers. Different benefits associated with the Operationalization of the research questions have discussed but there are several cons attached with the phenomenon as well. (Cooper, 2003)
The cons associated with the research question is setting the direction of the research being conducted using the research question. The research question is setting no direction in this regard. The expectation does help in knowledge of the needs for which the internet should be used but it doesn’t directly identify the ways through which the research should be conducted. The third research question is quite directed that will only lead information about the expectations and will not clear out the facilities currently provided by the head office to the managers.
