

中国哲学杂志是关于人性和创造力的。这是第一次在所有的英语世界中,这是1973个英文世界的第一个哲学杂志。这是由一位最优秀的哲学家所写的,他描写了中国思想家对人性和创造力的评价。人类代表真理、正义、和谐等。所有的地理发展不仅与世界经济的发展有关,而且还与世界各地的人与人之间的和谐与和平的关系。它显示了各种传统习俗;其次是不同的国家,也参与对方的宗教(Liu n.pag.)。

中国哲学在世界上最大程度的期刊上出版了中国的哲学,达到了人类的最高水平。这些所有的期刊和文章发表在1973至2006之间。在这里,中国的哲学家们都认为自己的语言中的所有重要主题。所有主题都涉及到古典时期、中世纪、中世纪晚期、最后从现代的哲学思想。哲学写的也是当代中国政治、女权主义、环境哲学和超越的一部分。在这里,各种问题都有人注意到,从最初的中国哲学源头到新的渐进式发展。这本杂志不仅是关于写作的新风格的哲学的延伸也在中国哲学史上持续发展的探究(Cheung and Liu n.pag.)。


The journal of Chinese philosophy is all about the humanity and creativity. This is the first philosophical journal of Chinese among all English worlds, which was written in 1973. It is written by one of the best philosopher who describes about the human nature and his creativity judged by the Chinese thinker. Humanity represents the truth, Justice, harmony etc. All geographical development is not only just related with the development in the economy of the world but it also considers the relations of harmony & peace in between the people staying all over the world. It shows the various traditions; customs followed by the different countries and also participate in each other’s religion (Liu n.pag.).

Chinese philosophical reaches the special level in publishing the maximum journals in Chinese language all over the world on humanity. These all journals & articles got published in between 1973 to 2006. Here Chinese philosophers have considered all important topics in their own language. All topics are related with the philosophies of the Classical period, Middle period, Late Middle period & finally from the Modern period. Philosophies written are also a part of the contemporary Chinese political, feminism, Environmental philosophies & beyond.  Here, various problems are noticed in changing the writing of philosophies from the original source of Chinese philosophy to new progressive developed style. This journal is not only about the extension in writing new styles of philosophies but also do the inquiry on the continuous development in the history of the Chinese philosophy (Cheung and Liu n.pag.).
