

在当前的情况下,公司法的总体目标 – 与其他一些法律的增加 – 大致相同 – 可能总体上符合社会利益,并保证对这方面可能出现的任何情况作出合理处理,包括在任何公司的工作中分享不同的聚会。更具体地说,公司法的最佳可能目的是提高受组织活动影响的所有人的总体福利,包括组织的股东,劳工,供应商和客户,以及外部人员,例如近距离聚会和社区在为正在考虑的业务的顺利运作进行适当设置方面担当重要角色。经济学家认为这是一般社会效益的旅程。人们经常说公司法的目的地应该更窄(Denis and McConnell,2003)。特别是,有时会说,正确的公司法只是为了确保该协会服务于股东的最佳利益点,或者更确切地说是为股东开放预算回报,或者更具体地说,延长目前公司份额的业务成本。

在给定的案例中,杰布是亨利的兄弟姐妹,亨利给了他2%的Farming Solnsplc股份。杰布是该组织的非官方董事;但杰布成立了另一个自己的私人组织,约瑟夫称其为威尔特郡零件。这个新组织计划为这个二手硬件提供额外的部件。鉴于他掌握了从农场公司solnsplc一般销售硬件的地点的数据,因此他有机会接触到现成的客户群。


In the present day situation it is the general objective of corporate law—much the same as some other augmentation of law—is likely to serve the interest of society by and large and guaranteeing a reasonable treatment of any circumstance that may emerge in this respect including different gatherings that shared in the working of any company. More particularly, the best possible destination of corporate law is to improve the aggregate welfare of all who are affected by an organisation’s activities, including the organization’s shareholders, labourers, suppliers, and customers, and also outsiders, for instance, close-by gatherings and communities which assume an essential part in making the proper set up for the smooth running of the business under consideration. This is the thing that economists would depict as the journey for general social benefit. It is often said that the destinations of corporate law should be narrower (Denis and McConnell, 2003). Particularly, it is on occasion said that the correct piece of corporate law is just to ensure that the association serves the best point of interest of its shareholders or, more especially, to open up budgetary returns to shareholders or, more especially still, to extend the current business cost of corporate share.

In the given Case, Jeb is Henry’s sibling, who was given 2% of the shares in Farming Solnsplc, by Henry. Jeb is a non-official director of the organization;But Jeb sets up another private organization of his own, with, Joseph, called Wiltshire Parts. This new organization plans to provide extra parts to this second hand hardware. He takes up this venture in light of the fact that he has data in regards to where the hardware is generally sold, from the farming company solnsplc and hence, has an access to a readymade client base.
