





As the testimony provided by the chairman of the NISA, the curtain regarding the diet is being created on the nuclear village. The nuclear village created by the NISA seems to be opposing the international standards of safety and the nuclear risks are ignored with indicating the wastages. This issue regarding the risk is being indicated which leads to the causing of blackout and the cessation of the cooling systems used in the industry of NISA . This creates a back down situation with depicting a countermeasure regarding the improvement of the policies. This creates a drastic impact on the life of the village which occurs due to the ignorance of the improvement policies of the operating systems.


The revelations undertaken by the government provide the manipulation of the public opinions regarding the nuclear power, and the past records seem to be dogging the efforts created in the establishment. The innovative energy strategy is being implemented, and the target is being created for the appropriate establishment of the nuclear village. As per the consulting of the public opinion is being made, the development of the new energy strategy is being created with making the hearings around the nation. The government involves itself in the formation of the new strategies which include the three options for the propagation of the electricity generation. The equal approach options are created which are being implemented for the betterment of the public. The media is being involved in the execution of this process. The media is represented as the inherent biased which is appropriately framed by the government with making the options for the betterment of the development.

