

旅游业可以分为很多部分。旅游业的一些最重要的部分包括住宿,如酒店或其他住宅的游客,不同的补充服务,包括餐厅或访问不同的地方和分销商(Getz et al, 2004)。目前从事旅游业务的主要类型有传统旅行社、在线旅行社和GDS/ CRS系统。在每一个系统中,都会发现为什么在不同的行业中很少使用业务模型


旅行社的主要目标是成为与旅游相关的不同产品销售的中间商。这是代表酒店或航空公司进行的。传统旅行社有着悠久的历史。旅行社的第一次旅行是在1842年由托马斯·库克组织的。在不久的过去,一些旅行社过去是按天来运作的(McKercher, 1999)。过去已经实现了某些业务模型。现在发生了巨大的变化。这种转变是以愿意使用这些服务的人的需求为形式的。例如,现在的人们对过去很流行的大众假日套餐不感兴趣。由于同样的原因,以前建立的业务模型不再有用。这种变化不是恒定的,而是始终如一的。因此,通过任何固定的商业模式,行业根本无法繁荣。


Tourism industry can be divided into a large number of segments. Some of the most important segments of the tourism industry include the accommodations such as hotels or other residences for the tourists, the different complementary services including the restaurants or the visits to the different places and distributors (Getz et al, 2004). The primary kinds of tourist’s operators who are working in the present times include the traditional travel agencies, the online travel agencies and the GDS/ CRS Systems. In each of the system, it would be found out that why there is a rare usage of the business models in the different industries.


The primary aim of a travel agency is to become the intermediately in doing the sales of the different products which may be related to the tourism. This is done on behalf of the hotels or airline. The traditional travel agencies have a huge past. The very first tour by a travel agency had been organized in 1842 by Thomas Cook. In the recent past, a number of travel agencies used to operate on the day to day basis (McKercher, 1999). There were certain business models which had been implemented during the past. Now there is a huge shift. This shift is in the form of the demands of the people who are willing to use the services. For example, the people now are not interested in the old mass holiday packages which were very popular in the past. As a result of the same, the business models which had been made previously are not useful. This change is not constant and happens consistently. Thus, by having any fix business model the industry cannot thrive at all.
