
by | 6-Aug-2019 | 美国代写

本篇芝加哥论文代写-公司内外部环境讲了有许多方面和特征与业务赖以繁荣的环境相关联。内部和外部环境对企业的工作都有影响。环境扫描是在启动业务之前完成的,必须以足够的间隔继续扫描,以便了解更改。外部业务环境的分析将有助于确定企业是否为环境中的变化做好了准备。在外部变化的背景下对内部环境进行分析,将展示企业的优势和劣势,以及如何利用优势创造机会和避免威胁。本篇芝加哥论文代写由美国第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

There are many aspects and characteristics associated with the environment in which a business thrives. Both internal and external environmental influence is observed on the working of the business. Environment scanning is done before launching a business, and scanning must be continued in adequate intervals in order to be aware of changes. Analysis of the externa business environment will help identify whether a business is ready for the changes in the environment. Analysis of the internal environment in the context of external changes will show the strengths and weaknesses of the firm, and how it could leverage strength to create opportunities and avert threats. Given this background information on business environment analysis, the purpose of this report is to present such an analysis for H&M. As is popularly known, Hennes & Mauritz AB or H&M is a Swedish multinational clothing retail company. The company is popular for its fashion clothing products and has branches across the world. The company’s current business environment is analysed by means of SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats), STP (Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning) and 4Ps (Price, Product, Place and Promotion).


a) SWOT Elements


The strength of the company lies in the range of products it deals in. The company offers apparels, cosmetics, shoes and other related accessories. The products offerings are from different consumer segments, and it has supported the concept of affordable fashion in New Zealand. H&M has a product portfolio drawn from many unique brands such as H&M the store brand, COS, Weekday, etc. All brands have different target groups, so product positioning is actually pushed across different groups.

The company is one of the largest global retailers and operates in around 45 countries already offering low delivery times to customers with strong designer lines to suit different country segments. This makes the company operate in both globalized designs and localized settings.

Complimentary businesses that the H&M group is associated with in some countries, makes H & M more flexible with their operational control.

Rich sales segment, covering around 41 online markets with around 4,500 physical stores and 68 main retail markets. The sales segment generated profit around 223 billion in 2016 (H & M, 2017).

H & M ushers in many news jobs in the work market of New Zealand. Innovative and skilled positions like creative designers, digital marketing and more cover job seekers from many different backgrounds (Vickie, 2015).

