

国有企业在经济发展中发挥着重要作用。 国有企业从事提供对经济竞争力至关重要的重要基础设施,例如 铁路,海港,公共汽车,机场,天然气,电力等。


国有企业在一个国家内雇佣了数百万人。根据国际货币基金组织的报告,“世界上大约80%的石油储备由国有企业控制和管理,20个最大的石油组织中有15个是国有的”。 这些企业可以在合资企业或直接合资企业中购买和经营项目。 许多国家的州都获得了生产的天然气,矿产和石油。 政府必须展示公司的公平价值和业绩。国有企业管理是控制经济的主要部门。


The state-owned enterprises play a significant role in the development of an economy. The state-owned enterprises are engaged in the provision of significant infrastructure which is crucial to the competitiveness of economy e.g. rail, seaports, bus, airports, gas, electricity, etc.


The state-owned enterprises employ millions of people within a country . According to a report of IMF “some 80% of petroleum reserves in the world are controlled and managed by state enterprises, and 15 out of 20 largest oil organizations are state owned”. These enterprises may purchase and operate projects, either in or outright joint ventures. The states in many countries receive a share of gas, mineral, and oil that is produced. The government has to show the fair value and performance of the companies. The state-owned enterprises manage and control major sectors of an economy.

