
by | 21-Aug-2019 | 美国代写

本篇essay代写-分数错误的概念讲了分数错误的概念应该尽早为孩子处理,因为这些错误的概念会对孩子学习数学的方式产生严重的影响。分数主体之所以有如此多的误解,是因为它是由多种思想和表象构成的。分数及其解释在很大程度上取决于所考虑的上下文,这也导致了误解。本篇essay代写文章由美国第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Fraction misconceptions should be handled early on for the child, as the misconceptions can have serious ramifications on how the child learns mathematics in a general way. The reasons that there are so many misconceptions associated with the subject of fractions is because of its composition of multiple ideas and representations. Fractions and their interpretation depend largely on the context that is considered and this contributes to misconceptions as well.

Some of the common misconceptions of students when they use fractions are highlighted by the author. The author terms them as systematic errors because of the type of error and the form of understanding that student has on the errors. It is the role of the teacher to help the student comprehend the misconceptions and correct them. Inappropriate rule based decisions, incorrect understanding of the number of parts in pictorial works, using reference units, the use of addition as a thinking strategy rather than multiplication etc. are some of the common misconceptions that student makes according to the author.

In terms of misconceptions, categories can be identified based on how student makes the errors. For instance, some researchers seemed to identify that whole number thinking was what led the student to the misconceptions. On the other hand, some other researchers identified that students had intuitive knowledge about how things worked and it was this intuitive knowledge that interfered with their proper understanding of fractions. Whole number knowledge alone does not contribute to misconceptions as the research works indicated that misconceptions were quite common given that student’s conceptualization of fractions was already complicated by its types and representations already.

Students could be made to deal with these misconceptions by teaching them ways of critical knowledge application in understanding fractions. There are some key developmental understandings when it comes to fractions. Once students get them, then they could make cognitive leaps according to researchers when it comes to mathematics. For example, a key developmental understanding could be how equal partitions always crate equal halves of an object, irrespective of how the partition is done. Once student gets this understanding, then they cannot be misled into believing two equal partitions that are not equal just because they were cut differently. Similarly, more basic developmental understanding can help student handle misconceptions better.

